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Home Worldwide Indonesia September, 2005 International Community …
International Community protested. Indonesian Attorney General

Jawa Pos dotcom
Saturday, 03 Sept 2005
International Community protested Indonesian Attorney General

In the case of Ahmadiyya:
JAKARTA - when dealing with the issue of the Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI), the Human Right Watch in foreign countries protested the Attorney General. However, he stated that his office continues searching for solution that is acceptable by all parties involved.

He frankly acknowledged receiving protests from people from all over the world. We accept these protests as inputs for his office, said Attorney General Abdul Rahman Saleh.

The members of the Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) feel uncomfortable with their belief after being labeled by the Indonesian Ulema Council and Department of Religious Affairs through its religious edict (a fatwa) as an apostate group and non-Muslims.

After all, since its establishment in Indonesia from 1925 to 1980, Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) has enjoyed peaceful and democratic lives, said Secretary Tabligh (JAI) Ahmad Supardi. The very sad incident and attacked by a group of radical people to our Headquarter in Parung, Bogor, a few weeks ago.

Attorney General, Department of Justice, Human Right Commission and Minister of Religious Affairs have addressed this issue intensively and comprehensively. A team, which comprised a group of people from variety departments, is working together to weight and identify these issues from different angles such as judicial and religious perspective.

Statement from the Attorney General was a response to questions by a member of the Indonesian’s House of Representative Commission III from Fraksi Kebangkitan Bangsa (FPKB) Imam Anshori Saleh. Imam suggested the Indonesian Government to take a firm and decisive action on this issue. Attorney General was advised to come up with a concrete action to address the issue to avoid creating a new anarchism.

According to the record at the Attorney General Office, Ahmadiyah was partially banned in the 1960’s and the 1970’s in Majalengka, Kuningan and in Lombok Island. In 1984, the Department of Religious Affairs issued restrictions and prohibitions for the Ahmadiyah community to propagate its teaching solely to the Ahmadi followers.

Sabtu, 03 Sept 2005
Jakgung Diprotes Pihak Asing

Soal Kasus Ahmadiyah
JAKARTA - Ketika menangani masalah Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI), Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung) diprotes gerakan hak asasi manusia di luar negeri. Namun, Kejagung bergeming. Meski demikian, lembaga itu terus mencari solusi yang bisa diterima semua pihak.

“Terus terang, protes datang dari berbagai kalangan di luar negeri. Kita layani protes itu sebagai masukan,” ujar Jaksa Agung Abdul Rahman Saleh.

Anggota JAI merasa tidak tenang dalam menjalankan keyakinannya setelah Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) serta Depag menyatakan Ahmadiyah sebagai aliran sesat dan berada di luar Islam.

“Padahal, sejak dibentuk di Indonesia pada 1925 sampai 1980, Jemaat Ahmadiyah menikmati kehidupan yang damai dan demokratis,” kata Sekretaris Tablig JAI Ahmad Supardi. Yang paling menyedihkan, terjadi penyerbuan oleh sekelompok orang ke pusat kegiatan itu seperti di Parung, Bogor, beberapa waktu lalu.

Kejagung, Departemen Hukum dan HAM, serta Departemen Agama (Depag) telah membahasnya secara komprehensif. Tim lintas departemen sedang mengidentifikasi berbagai temuan untuk menyikapi kasus tersebut, baik dari aspek hukum maupun agama.

Pernyataan jaksa agung itu menanggapi permintaan anggota Komisi III DPR dari Fraksi Kebangkitan Bangsa (FPKB) Imam Anshori Saleh. Imam menyarankan agar pemerintah bersikap tegas. Kejagung harus mengeluarkan kebijakan konkret agar tidak menimbulkan anarkisme baru.

Sesuai arsip di Kejagung, Ahmadiyah pernah dilarang pada 1960 dan 1970-an. Tapi, itu secara parsial. Yaitu, di Majalengka, Kuningan, dan Lombok. Pada 1984, Departemen Agama (Depag) mengeluarkan larangan Ahmadiyah disebarkan ke bukan pengikutnya. (agm)

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