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Home Worldwide Indonesia September, 2005 Indonesian’s Attorney …
Indonesian’s Attorney General acknowledged receiving protests from abroad

Suara Karya

Indonesian’s Attorney General Acknowledged Receiving Protests From Abroad.

Friday, 2 September 2005
JARKARTA - (Suara Karya): Attorney General Abdul Rahman Saleh stated that the Indonesian Government have addressed the issue surrounding Ahmadiyah by involving several departments such as: Department of Religious Affairs, Department of Justice, Human Right Commission and Attorney General.

The issue surrounding Ahmadiyah for the time being is going to be addressed comprehensively. If there is any issue relating to judicial system, it will go to the Justice System. If there is an issue with its existence, other groups must address it. So, the decision is not made by the Executive branch but by the judicial system, said Attorney General during the session with the Indonesian’s House of Representative Commission III, Thursday.

Statement from the Attorney General was a response to questions by a member of the Indonesian’s House of Representative Commission III from Fraksi Kebangkitan Bangsa (FPKB) Imam Anshori Saleh who stated that Ahmadiyah has created disorder in the community and if not taken seriously and decisively by the Attorney General, it will create a new anarchism.

According to the Attorney General, in the record filed at the Attorney General Office, Ahmadiyah was partially banned in the 1960’s and the 1970’s. It was a partial ban in the area of Majalengka, Kuningan and in Lombok Island, he said.

In 1984, the Department of Religious Affairs also issued restrictions and prohibitions for the Ahmadiyah community to propagate its teaching solely to its followers, and not to the non-Ahmadi followers. Abdul Rahman Saleh stated that the issue surrounding Ahmadiyah at this moment is very complex. Because it is not only about religion but it is also evolves the human Right issue and Ahmadiyah comes from abroad, the protests also come from abroad. Previously, the members of the Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) acknowledged the uncomfortable and un-peaceful feeling they have with their belief after being declared by the Indonesian Ulema Council and Department of Religious Affairs through its religious edict (a fatwa) as an apostate group and non-Muslims.

After all, since its establishment in Indonesia from 1925 to 1980, Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) has enjoyed peaceful and democratic lives, said Secretary Tabligh (JAI) Ahmad Supardi during the session with the members of the Indonesian’s House of Representative Commission VIII and Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) in the House of Representative’s building, Thursday (1/9).

Ahmad Supardi stated that besides the religious edict from the Indonesian Ulema Council on June 1st, 1980 declaring Ahmadiyah an apostate group and non-Muslims, the injustice, violence and atrocity toward the members of the Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) was also as a result of the involvements from foreign countries. (Ant)

Jaksa Agung Akui Ada Protes
dari Luar Negeri

Jumat, 2 September 2005
JAKARTA (Suara Karya): Jaksa Agung Abdul Rahman Saleh mengatakan pemerintah telah membicarakan masalah Ahmadiyah dengan melibatkan beberapa instansi seperti Departemen Agama, Departemen Hukum dan HAM dan Kejaksaan Agung.

“Soal Ahmadiyah untuk sementara ini akan didekati secara komprehensif. Jika ada unsur pidana akan masuk pengadilan pidana. Kalau soal eksistensinya, aliran lain yang mengajukan gugatan. Jadi keputusannya bukan dari eksekutif tapi dari pengadilan,” kata Jaksa Agung dalam rapat kerja dengan Komisi III DPR, Kamis.

Pernyataan Jaksa Agung itu menanggapi permintaan anggota Komisi III DPR dari Fraksi Kebangkitan Bangsa Imam Anshori Saleh yang mengatakan bahwa Ahmadiyah telah meresahkan masyarakat dan jika tidak segera ditangani oleh Kejaksaan Agung bisa menimbulkan anarkisme baru.

Menurut Jaksa Agung, Ahmadiyah dalam arsip di Kejaksaan Agung pernah dilarang pada tahun 1960 dan 1970-an. “Pernah dilarang tapi secara parsial. Dilarang di wilayah Majalengka, Kuningan dan Lombok,” katanya.

Pada tahun 1984, Departemen Agama juga mengeluarkan larangan Ahmadiyah untuk disebarkan ke bukan pengikutnya. Abdul Rahman Saleh mengatakan bahwa soal Ahmadiyah saat ini semakin kompleks. Karena sudah masuk ke wilayah hak asasi manusia dan Ahmadiyah itu berasal dari luar negeri, protes juga datang dari gerakan hak asasi manusia dari luar negeri. Sebelumnya, anggota Jemaah Ahmadiyah di Indonesia mengaku tidak bisa lagi menikmati kedamaian dalam menjalankan keyakinannya setelah pada tahun 1980 Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dan departemen agama menyatakan Ahmadiyah sebagai aliran sesat dan berada di luar Islam.

“Padahal sejak berdirinya Ahmadiyah di Indonesia tahun 1925 sampai 1980 jemaah Ahmadiyah menikmati kehidupan yang damai dan demokratis di Indonesia,” kata Sekretaris Tabligh Jemaah Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI), Ahmad Supardi dalam rapat dengar pendapat antara Komisi VIII DPR dan JAI, di gedung DPR, Kamis (1/9).

Ahmad Supardi mengatakan, di samping adanya fatwa MUI pada 1 Juni 1980 yang menyatakan Ahmadiyah sesat, tindakan sewenang-wenang terhadap JAI juga dikarenakan campur tangan negara asing. (Ant)

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