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Home Worldwide Indonesia 2002 Religious Hooligans destrooyed …
Religious Hooligans destrooyed the Ahmadiyya Mosque in Pancor, Lombok Island

On 11th August 2002 a Seminar on “The danger of The Ahmadiyya Community” was held in the hall of the Istiqlal Mosque cell 34 in Jakarta. This seminar was sponsored by The Islamic Institution of Research and Investigation Jakarta. Many Mullahs highly critical of The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community were invited from Pakistan and the U.K. to address this meeting.

A similar Seminar was also held in the City of Ampenan, Lombok Island on 19th August 2002. This was arranged by a traditional Islamic boarding School and sponsored by the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Jakarta. The Religious Attache of Saudi Arabia, Syaikh Ibrahim Sulaiman Nugasy attended and inaugurated this Seminar.

At both of these cleverly orchestrated Seminars, highly inflammatory speeches were made against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The purpose was none other than to incite and escalate a national anti-Ahmadiyya sentiment in the country. It also called on the Indonesian Government particularly the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Attorney General to ban the Ahmadiyya Community in Indonesia.

Because these Seminars were aired on the local TV stations and also widely reported in the print media, a wave of very deplorable and anti-Ahmadiyya sentiment were triggered in various parts of Indonesia.

On 6th September 2002, an unruly mob infuriated by these Seminars that were attended and addressed by many mullahs especially the Representative of Saudi Arabia decided to attack the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission House in Maluku, East Indonesia.

On 7th September 2002 in Clrebon West Java posters and placards were posted in all prominent places inciting the public to take the law in their own hands and eradicate the Ahmadiyya Community.

On the same day i.e. 7th September, similar anti-Ahmadiyya banners were exhibited at public places in Manislor West Java.

On 10th September, a very large crowd of about 2,000 hooligans under the guidance and directions of foreign Mullahs attacked the Ahmadiyya Mosque in Pancor, Lombok Island. They completely destroyed the Mosque along with all the valuable books and property and later burnt it to ground. As if not satisfied with this carnage, they went on a rampage and demolished another 30 Ahmadiyya homes while their occupants looked helplessly at the destruction and looting of their property and dwellings.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is renowned all over the world as a peaceful and law-abiding Community. This Community was established in Indonesia many years before its independence from the yoke of the Dutch. Our members paid with their blood and money for the Independence struggle of Indonesia.

It is most ironical that in our times we have allowed the emergence of such a fanatical group from our midst that calls for the banishment and expulsion of these Ahmadis whose relatives and parents had paid such a fabolous price for the independence of Indonesia.

Written consent of Council of the City, Kuningan is reproduced hereunder alongwith its English translation:

Surat Keputusan Bersama Kab.Kuningan

Keputusan bersama Muspida, Pimpinan DPRD, Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren dan ormas Islam Kabupaten Kuningan Tentang Pelarangan aliran/ajaran Jemaat Ahmadiyah Di Wilayah Kabupaten Kuningan Kami Muspida, Pimpinan DRPD, Pimpinan Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Organisasi-oraganisasi kemasyarakatan Islam dan Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren se-kabupaten Kuningan.

Mempertimbangkan :


Bahwa di Desa Manislor Kecamatan Jalaksana Kabupaten Kuningan terdapat suatu aliran/Ajaran Jemaat Ahmadiyah yang dinilai bertentangan dengan Ajaran Islam berdasarkan fatwa MUI Pusat dan para Ulama Pimpinan pondok pesantren


Bahwa Ajaran Ahmadiyah dinilai dapat menimbulkan keresahan masyarakat serta dapat menimbulkan terganggunya ketertiban umum serta dapat menghambat jalannya pembangunan yang diselenggarakan pemerintah.


Bahwa gejala kearah sebagaimana dimaksud diktum angka 2 di atas, cenderung sudah nampak baik yang menyangkut instabilitas maupun gerakan anarkhis;


Bahwa sambil menunggu keputusan pihak yang berwenang untuk memutuskan keberadaan organisasi dimaksud, dipandang perlu untuk terlebih dahulu melarang berkembangnya ajaran/aliran termaksud diwilayah kabupaten Kuningan yang dituangkan dalam keputusan bersama.

Memperhatikan :


saran dan pendapat rapat Musyawarah Pimpinan Daerah yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2002;


hasil pertemuan tim koordinasi pengawasan aliran kepercayaan masyarakat kabupaten Kuningan, yang diselenggarakan pada rapat tanggal 30 oktober sampai 2 Nopember 2002;


pernyataan bersama MUI, Pondok Pesantren dan Organisasi kemasyarakatan Islam se-Kabupaten Kuningan yang dilaksanakan pada tangggal 14 september 2002.

Dengan ini kami sepakat memutuskan :
Menetapkan :

PERTAMA : Melarang untuk selamanya aliran/ajaran Jemaat Ahmadiyah dengan segala kegiatan di Daerah hukum Kabupaten Kuningan.

KEDUA : Memerintahkan kepada :


PAKEM Kabupaten Kuningan untuk melaksanakan pengawasan akibat dikeluarkannya keputusan bersama ini.


Kakandepag dan MUI untuk melakukan bimbingan dan pembinaan kepada Jemaat Ahmadiyah

KETIGA : Apabila terdapat kekeliruan dalam keputusan bersama ini akan diadakan peninjauan kembali sebagaimana mestinya.

KEEMPAT : Keputusan ini berlaku pada tanggal ditetapkan sambil menunggu keputusan lebih lanjut dari yang berwenang.

Di tetapkan di Kuningan
Pada tanggal 3 Nopember 2002
> Bupati Kuningan
> Pimpinan DPRD Kuningan
> Kepala Kejaksaan Negeri Kuningan
> KODIM 0615
> Kapolres Kuningan
> Sekda Kabupaten Kuningan
> Ketua FKPP Kuningan
> Ketua MUI kabupaten Kuningan
> Ketua Muhammadiyah Kab Kuningan
> Ketua NU Kabupaten Kuningan
> DPD Nahdatul Anwar
> Gerakan Anti Maksiat
> Robithah Ma'ahid Islamiyah
> Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Ihya
> Thoroqoh Idaroh Syu'Biyah

Tembusan :
> 1.Mendagri
> 2.Menteri Agama
> 3.Jaksa Agung R.I
> 4.Ketua Umum MUI pusat
> 5.Kepala Kejaksaan Tinggi Jabar
> 6.Kepala Kantor Wilayah Depag Jabar
> 7.Ketua MUI Jabar.

Written Consent of Muspida (Council of the City), Majelis Ulama Indonesia (Indonesian Ulama Institution), Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren (Leader of Islamic Schools) and Ormas Islam (Islamic Community Organizations

We, Council of the City, Chief of the Local Board of the People, Representative, Leader of the Indonesian Ulama Institution, Islamic Community Organizations and Leader of the Islamic Schools at the city of Kuningan.

Considering :


That in the village of Manis Lor subdistrict Jalaksana city of Kuningan exist a sect/teaching of Jemaat Ahmadiyah, which is evaluated not in accordance with the teaching of Islam pursuant to the Fatwa (edict) of MUI (Indonesian Ulama Institution) and Chief of Ulama (scholars) of Islamic Schools.


That the teaching of Ahmadiyah has been evaluated and likely to disturb public peace and tranquility, and thereby cause impedes development, which is being run by the Government.


That the indication of point 2 above is preference to appear whether it is related to the instability or anarchy movement.


That while looking forward a formal decision from the Authority to resolve the existence of this organization, it is necessary to make a resolution to prohibit its development in the area of city of Kuningan.

Having observed:


Suggestion and opinion from the meeting of City Council held on 28th October 2002.


The meeting result of Supervisory Team of Community's Religious Affair held from 30th October 2002 to 2nd November 2002.


Declaration of the Indonesian Ulama Institution, Islamic Community Organizations and Leader of the Islamic Schools of all the city of Kuningan held on 14th September 2002.

To enact:

First: The whole activities of the sect/teaching of Jemaat Ahmadiyah are prohibited forever in the jurisdiction area of city of Kuningan.

Second: Giving order to:


Supervisory Team of Community's Religious Affair to precede supervision as the impact of this released Resolution.


Local Chief of Ministry of Religions and Indonesian Ulama Institution shall continue to provide guidance and to establish character building to Jemaat Ahmadiyah.

Third: If this resolution manifests error then shall be reviewed accordingly.

Fourth: This Written Consent remains in effect on the date of the signed of this document till further decision from the Authority remains in force.

Stipulated in Kuningan On 3rd of November 2002
Mayor of Kuningan
Chief of Local Board of People's Representative of Kuningan
Chief of Kuningan District Attorney
Commander of Military District 0615 Kuningan
Chief of Kuningan Police Resort
Local Secretary of Kuningan
Head of Kuningan Ministry of Religions
Chief of Indonesia Ulama Institution of Kuningan
Chief of Muhammadiyah - Kuningan
Chief of Nahdlatul Ulama - Kuningan
Mass Organizations

Ministry of Internal Affair of the Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia
General Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia.

All members of The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community protest against this gross violence and request the Government of Indonesia to take urgent measures to ensure the safety of our brethren in Indonesia.

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