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The Heavenly Decree is the English translation of Asmani Faisala by Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi (as) and the Founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at. It is addressed to his contemporary ulema, specially Miyan Nadhir Husain Dehlawi and Maulawi Muhammad Husain of Batala who had issued a fatwa of heresy against the Promised Messiahas and declared him a non-Muslim, because he (the Promised Messiahas) had claimed that Jesus Christ had died a natural death and the second coming of Masih ibni Mariam (Jesus Christ) is fulfilled by the advent of Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas. Because (by the time the book was written) the ulema had refused to debate this issue with the Promised Messiah, he invited them, in this book, to a spiritual contest in which the question whether someone is a Muslim or not would be settled by Allah himself on the basis of four criteria of a true believer as laid down by Him in the Holy Quran. He also spelled out the modus operandi of this contest and fixed the period of time frame within which this contest would be decreed by Allah. He declared that God would not desert him and would help him and would grant him victory.
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Home Worldwide Indonesia July, 2010 Jamaat Ahmadiyya of Kuningan …
Jamaat Ahmadiyya of Kuningan refuses to get their Mosque sealed

TEMPO Interkatif, Indonesia
Translated from Indonesian
by Lisa Latief
Blocking the Road to Village, Jamaat Ahmadiyya of Kuningan refuses to get their Mosque sealed
Monday, 26 July 2010 | 10:00 WIB
Some of Jamaat Ahmadiyya members held Id Prayer 1429 H in Al-Kautsar Mosque, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, on Wednesday (1/10). Until now, Jamaat Ahmadiyya Indonesia in West Kalimantan has 500 members and they hold Id prayer and daily activity as usual. FOTO ANTARA
Some of Jamaat Ahmadiyya members held Id Prayer 1429 H in Al-Kautsar Mosque, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, on Wednesday (1/10). Until now, Jamaat Ahmadiyya Indonesia in West Kalimantan has 500 members and they hold Id prayer and daily activity as usual. FOTO ANTARA

TEMPO Interaktif, KUNINGAN — Hundreds of members belonging to Jamaat Ahmadiyya in Manis Lor village, Jalaksana Sub district, Kuningan regency are preparing to prevent the sealing of their Mosque by Kuningan Government, on Monday (26/7) today.

Based on what is observed, hundreds members of Jamaat Ahmadiyya, most of them men, seem to be blocking the roads leading to their village. The blockage is specially managed on the main road to their mosque.

Nur Rahim, General Secretary of Ahmadiyya Manis Lor, Kuningan explained that they just defend the house of God. “We defend the House of Allah,” he said.

They, Nur Rahim continued, will defend the house of Allah to the death. Kuningan government will seal it today. “We hope there will be no conflict, but we will definitely defend our house of worship till the end,” he said.

Meanwhile, according to what is seen, hundreds of policemen are still protecting the entry road to Manis Lor village. However, until now, the officials of Kuningan government who will manage the sealing have not been seen yet.


Original Indonesian Version

TEMPO Interaktif, KUNINGAN — Ratusan jamaah Ahmadiyah di Desa Manis Lor, Kecamatan Jalaksana, Kabupaten Kuningan bersiap-siap menghadang penyegelan yang akan mesjid yang akan dilakukan Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Kuningan, Senin (26/7) hari ini.

Berdasarkan pantauan, ratusan jamaah Ahmadiyah yang rata-rata terdiri dari kaum lelaki terlihat memblokir jalan masuk ke desa mereka. Pemblokiran dilakukan terutama sebelum jalan masuk ke mesjid mereka.

Nur Rahim, Sekretaris Umum (Sekum) Ahmadiyah Manis Lor, Kuningan,menjelaskan mereka hanya mempertahankan rumah Allah. “Kami hanya mempertahankan rumah Allah,” katanya.

Mereka, lanjut Nur Rahim, akan mempetahankan habis-habisan rumah Allah yang rencananya akan disegel oleh Pemkab Kuningan hari ini. “Kami tidak berharap terjadi kerusuhan, tapi yang pasti kami akan mempertahankan habis-habisan rumah ibadah kami,” katanya.

Sementara itu berdasarkan pantauan ratusan polisi pun masih berjaga-jaga di jalan masuk Desa Manis Lor. Namun hingga kini aparat dari Pemkab Kuningan yang akan melakukan penyegelan belum terlihat.


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